Queens of Moxie with host Mary Kay Campbell

Shannon was a guest on the Queens of Moxie podcast with host Mary Kay Campbell.

”Shannon was 30 before she came out. If she had, she might have lost her job teaching, lost her family and faced scorn and discrimination. But a Pride parade with a camera crew zoomed in on her face and lit the way for this dynamic leadership coach.

She's now living out and proud! She is an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University Institute for Transformational Leadership and is the Founder and Owner of Coaching Courage, LLC.

She poses this question, "It's not a matter of, 'Are you comfortable sharing all of yourself with everyone?' It’s more a question of, 'Why aren’t you sharing all of yourself with everyone?'" Courage, Vulnerability, and Authenticity provide a bridge to a deeper connection with other human beings. Listen here!


Make Life Less Difficult: Part 2 with host Lisa Tilstra